The Serpent’s Lair


Also available on Bandcamp

Beginning as a collaboration between Roach and Metcalf, the music on The Serpent’s Lair evolved over the past year into an epic 2-CD set, augmented with a myriad of guests. For those familiar with Roach’s work, this release has it all. Steve’s ultra-soundworlds, hybrid grooves and magical production combined with Byron’s acoustic-organic tribal trance patterns set disk 1 in motion (in all directions). Aligning with themes of shamanic initiation found throughout the world, this disc is rooted in the organic . . . the earth . . . the ancestors . . . and the initiatory energy of focused transformational ritual practice which is integrated into the alchemical fire of psycho-spiritual death and rebirth. It is here that one is confronted with all the essential elements of danger and possibility.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5.5 × .25 in