
Also available on Bandcamp

The Dome Zone Within…
Created at the Timehouse studio between 2013 and 2015.
This ultra deep zone was first inspired by plans to perform at the Los Angeles Center Studios’ Vortex Dome in 2013. Entering this space created an immediate immersive experience, even with no music or visual stimulation. Vortex Immersion Zone was born from this geodesic, womb-like space in the same way a natural environment or magnificent cathedral inspires an artist to explore new places within. Over the course of time, portions of this immersion atmosphere appeared in concerts which in turn would help to magnify how the piece would evolve in the studio. Additional live performances and studio experiments continued to add to the the potency and allure of this sonic space, shape shifting the experience into a new depth as it was completed in late 2015.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5.5 × .25 in