Fever Dreams III
Available on Bandcamp
Psychoactive music for the body, mind and soul. This conclusion to the FEVER DREAMS series expresses a craving to dwell within the places in-between, at the borderland of undefined perceptions and amber-colored emotions. This episode of the Fever evolved simultaneously with the Immersion project, growing into a double CD. The languid, sensual and hypnotic aspects of the first two editions of the FEVER DREAMS series are distilled to a frothy surreal brew. The interplay between a rhythmic Möbius strip-like sensation fused with organic atmospheres and soundworlds offers up a fascinating sense of emotional, psychological, and physical space nearly impossible to define. This conclusion resolves with disc two: "Melted Mantra", a disc-long groove-soundworld mantra that gives full resonation to the words "hypnotic" and "mesmerizing".
Additional information
Weight | 2 oz |
Dimensions | 5 × 5.5 × .25 in |